Kaitlyn's Imagination Has Run Wild: Homecoming 07-08
Kaitlyn's Imagination Has Run Wild
it's random, it's crazy, it's kaitlyn's imagination   
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Homecoming 07-08
was eh.. alright... could have been better but could have been worse... not really worth the 81 dollars however... but you win some and you loose some. I hung out with Alex the entire time and was occationally joined by Allie (my freshmen) and Jaqi and her boyfriend who was dressed up like a sith as our homecoming theme was Star Wars and our class (the JUNIORS) was the Sith (cuz you all know you wanna join the dark side cuz we have cookies baby!). that was fun. kinda one of the let down parts was tht I didn't really get to see my friend who went and it was the last dance that we would be both going to. I guess it just is that we aren't as close as we used to be. It's rather sad, but I guess it happens. After all he has his friends and I have mine, and they're from, rather, completely different circles, for the most part.

Alex and I went to BJ's afterwords and had these simply to DIE FOR Pazookies (a big hot and gooey chocolate chip cookies with vanilia ice cream on top) and talked and talked for quite a long time about alot. It was probaby the best part of the night. After all I rather be hanging out with my friends than my friend's friends.

I guess you could say it wasn't the best night I've had and the dances this year seem to be quite huge let downs from what I had hoped them to be since later year's where the most fun I had ever had. But it happens I guess, some friends drift that you wish could stay colse to you forever and others come in close to your heart just when you need them. But I guess that's just how life works.

At least I didn't have to deal with any drama! : )
posted by Imaginer @ 11:20 PM  
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